How safe is the UK when it comes to staircase safety?

When it comes to carrying out regular DIY in the home, stair parts may not seem like an aspect we have to pay much attention to. However, staircase accidents are more common than we may think. As discussed on BBC Radio 2, it is estimated that there is a fall on stairs every 90 seconds in the UK, and an estimated 250,000 non-fatal accidents on the stairs are serious enough to merit a trip to A&E. Falls on staircases are particularly common among older people, and 60% of deaths in older people are attributed to falls on staircases. The most common injury from falling down stairs is a broken hip, and estimates suggest that treating hip fractures costs the NHS in the region of £1bn each year and takes up one-in-five hospital beds.

So, how are staircase accidents typically caused?

Aside from factors such as vision problems, mobility issues and carelessness, accidents can often be caused by staircase hazards and wear and tear. Instances of this can include uneven tread and riser height, loose stair parts, uneven surfaces and broken handrails. Poor handrail grip, or even a slippery handrail due to grease and dirt can increase the likelihood of falling down the stairs. According to the NHS, factors such as dim lighting and even uneven carpet can also increase the likelihood of a fall.

Mum and daughter walk up staircase

So, with this in mind, how many of us regularly pay attention to stair part safety?

To find out, we conducted a survey asking the UK public their thoughts on the importance of choosing high-quality stair parts and checking the safety of stairs regularly. We asked a sample of the UK public “If you have a staircase in your home, do you regularly ensure the stair parts are safe and in good condition?”. Surprisingly, just 10% of our respondents claimed that they check their stair parts for wear and tear regularly.

“If you have a staircase in your home, do you regularly ensure the stair parts are safe and in good condition?”

Do you regularly ensure the stair parts are safe and in good condition data

Furthermore, we asked the UK public about their opinion on stair part durability, and whether they felt it was important to use durable stair parts. Over 60% admitted to not considering the importance of durability in stair parts. When we asked for an explanation to this answer, some individuals admitted they simply don’t know enough about staircases to understand, while others admitted that they it’s something that never occurs to them.

“Would you consider durable stair part materials to be important in a potential new home?”

Durable stair part materials for new home data

Why is it important to take care of our staircase?

Busy modern lifestyles may mean we sometimes get side-tracked and don’t always have time to pay attention to staircase damage. Aside from increasing safety and preventing falls, there are numerous reasons why it is more important than you may think:

Keeping on top of staircase maintenance may increase the value of your property

On average, house prices in the UK went up by £24,000 (to 274,000) between 2021 and 2022. When buying a home in the current climate, you likely want to try and increase its value as much as possible.

Staircases are often the first thing that prospective buyers will see as they enter, so an attractive and robust staircase may add thousands onto the value of your home (source). No-one wants to move into a home that requires lots of staircase DIY and maintenance, and keeping on top of staircase maintenance and ensuring you use high-quality materials may even increase the value of your property if you wish to sell it, and will likely attract more people.

The design and quality of your staircase can affect the feel of the whole house

A staircase is a focal point of a home, and can sometimes be the first thing you see when you enter the home. Taking care of your staircase and choosing durable, quality materials can make a real difference to the aesthetic of your home. A high-quality staircase design can also make a great impression for guests visiting your home for the first time.

modern stylish spiral staircase

Paying attention to wear and tear may save you money in the long-run

The cost of installing a new staircase in the UK in 2022 costs on average £2,000-£4,000 for labour costs and £300 for materials. Keeping on top of signs of wear and tear, or issues such as loose handrails can save you the risk of having to install a completely new staircase if further damage occurs.

So, what can we do to prevent accidents in our homes?

Consider material carefully

When we asked the UK public whether they felt confident in choosing the best material for their needs, a surprising 90% of respondents admitted to not being aware of how to find the perfect stair part materials for their needs:

“Do you know how to choose the best stair part material for your needs and requirements?”

Choose the best stair part material for your needs and requirements data

With the prevalence of falls on staircases being so high in the UK, choosing the right material may go a long way in increasing stair safety in your home. For example, if your children tend to run up and down your stairs, opting for glass panels may not be the best idea. Instead, consider getting carpeted stairs, and a durable material such as oak or pine for your balustrade. Oak is a sturdy, attractive, and traditional staircase option. Though it tends to be more expensive than other wood, it is well worth the investment.

Combining glass and wood can provide an elegant option, allowing light to enter dark hallways. However, this may not be suitable for families with young children.

On the other hand, metal stair parts can also be sturdy and easy to maintain, and are worth considering if you are going for more of a modern aesthetic and want a durable option. Common options of metal include nickel, brass and chrome.

Before you choose your handrail material, ask yourself whether it is practical for your family and lifestyle, and whether you will be able to maintain it.

Choose a reputable stair part supplier

Choosing a reputable stair part supplier with positive reviews and testimonials can further increase your chances of having durable and strong stair parts. Although you may be tempted to choose the cheapest option available to you, it may not always be the most cost-effective choice in the long-run. Using cheap stair parts can increase the risk of chipping and splinters, stair parts becoming loose, and other forms of wear and tear that may lead to an accident. Cheap suppliers also tend to offer less credible customer service, meaning you are less likely to get expert help if you encounter a problem.

Get expert help with installation if you need it

If you’re unsure on how to effectively replace a stair part, contact stair part experts for their assistance. This can ensure the job is done properly, and you can rest assured knowing you won’t need to pay additional renovation costs in the near future. At Jackson Woodturners, we’re always happy to help with any questions you have on staircase installation. If you have any questions at all, you can give us a call on 0114 272 1228 or email

Check, clean and maintain your stair parts regularly

Ensure you have a strong, sturdy handrail and there are no signs of it becoming loose. It is also essential to check the carpet and floorboard regularly to ensure there is no uneven ground or risk of tripping. You should additionally check the fittings of your stair parts, and ensure everything is fitted correctly.

Slippiness due to a build-up of grease and dirt on handrails can lead to unwanted slips and falls. You can easily remove oil and dirt from a wooden handrail by cleaning the surface with a baby wipe. If a baby wipe doesn’t remove all of the dirt, dip a cloth in equal parts water and vinegar to remove any stubborn dirt then remove any residue with a clean, damp cloth.

Alternatively, use a cloth dipped in a solution of washing-up liquid and warm water to clean the handrail. If your handrail has a wax finish, then you could apply another coat of wax after cleaning it to give it a lovely shine.

Ensure each step is slip-resistant and free from hazards

It is vital to clean up any spillages straight away, and doing so can lower the risk of preventable falls. This is particularly important if you have children that may make a mess and spill drinks on the stairs, for example. Statistics collected by the Safety and Health Practitioner highlight that 58,000 children have accidents on stairs every year.

Lastly, ensure that there are no hazards on the stairs. Items of clothing on the stairs is a common type of trip hazard, as well as parcels and other objects on the stairs which you may trip over, especially when you are in a rush! Poor lighting can also be a hazard, so ensure you have adequate lighting in your stairway to prevent the risk of falls.

How to prevent accidents in our homes

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